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Access to HE (Humanities & Social Science)

Qualification: LASER
Level 3

This course is currently unavailable. Please register your interest below and we will let you know when it next becomes available.

About this course

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Access to HE courses are designed for adults who want to enter Higher Education but may not have the usual qualifications such as A-Levels. They are accredited through LASER Learning Awards and will help you develop the skills you need to prepare for University.

On the Humanities and Social Science Diploma, you will study a range of subjects that will provide you with what you need to progress into a wide range of degrees. You will study Social Science units in Psychology, Sociology and Politics plus Humanities units in History, English Literature and Creative Writing. You will also have the opportunity to complete an independent research project relevant to your intended degree.

We have an excellent track record of supporting learners into their first choice University and you will receive specialist guidance on completing a successful UCAS application and developing academic study skills alongside your specialist subjects to ensure that you are fully prepared to get a great degree.

You will benefit from studying alongside other students who are also motivated to reach their goals and an Access course team who are specialists in their fields and experienced in helping adult learners to succeed.

This course is 2 days per week. It will be essential that you attend both days each week so you will be able to complete the course in one year.

“The Access course has really helped me build my skills and confidence in preparation for starting University, something I didn't think I would ever be able to do. It was great to be able to complete this course alongside working.”  Charlie Duncombe, now studying BA (Hons) Social Work at Solent University.

Financial Support

* Great news... if this is your first Level 3 qualification, you may be entitled to all of your fees being paid.

* If you take out an Advanced Learner Loan to fund your Access to HE Diploma, then go on to successfully complete your degree or subsequent higher education course, the Government will pay the loan that covered your Access course. Please be aware if you do not complete the course, you will still be liable to pay the full course fees. A deposit will be required at the start of the course if you are applying for a loan, but this will be returned when your loan is finalised. This course is eligible for an Advanced Learner Loan.

Important Notice

Please note that all courses are subject to minimum numbers. If there are too few enrolments, the College may cancel the course. A place on your chosen course is not confirmed until enrolment is complete and any relevant fees are paid.

If you have any questions about this course, please contact us.

Tel: 023 8048 4848

Course content includes:

  • Politics
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • History
  • Creative Writing
  • English Literature
  • Independent Research Project

There is no final examination for this qualification, assessments are ongoing throughout the year.

Units are assessed through a variety of methods such as:

  • Oral presentations
  • Report writing
  • Essays
  • Short answer questions

Your diploma comprises 60 credits at Level 3. 45 credits are graded at either pass, merit or distinction.

  • GCSE English and Maths grade A*-C/9-4 (Functional Skills Literacy and Numeracy Level 2 accepted as an equivalent)
  • If you are planning to undertake a degree in Primary Education you will also need GCSE Science A*-C/9-4
  • A good command of ICT skills (most assignments will need to be typewritten)
  • Aged 18 or over (preferably 19 or over)
  • You will be required to attend an interview prior to enrolling onto the course, there will also be a short application task to complete
  • To prepare for your interview, you must bring your GCSE Maths & English certificates with you, and proof of ID if you intend to enrol

If English is not your first language and you have taken qualifications out of the UK, you will need to have the equivalence checked by ENIC prior to your interview. A good command of English is required.

We have an excellent track record for students progressing onto Higher Education, particularly onto degrees including:

  • Politics
  • Law
  • Creative Writing
  • Modern History & Politics
  • Ancient History
  • Archaeology
  • Classical & Medieval History
  • Gaming
  • Psychology
  • Forensic Psychology
  • Social Work
  • Primary Education
  • Criminal Investigation
  • Early Years


It will be important to ensure you have the commitment and time to devote to the course. At least 90% attendance will be expected for successful completion of the course.

In exceptional circumstances it might be possible for you to undertake GCSE in either English or mathematics alongside your Access programme depending on your future Degree choice and entrance requirements. This will be discussed with you at interview.

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