
Level 3 Full-Time (Year 2) Course Enrolment - 2016/17

Enrolment for all full-time students starting in September takes place w/c 29th August. Students that have applied for/had a place accepted on the second year of a Level 3 course are to arrive at the college at 9am on Thursday 25th August. If you have applied for a Marine course please go to the Marine Skills Centre in Woolston on the same day and time.

What to bring with you for your Enrolment Day:

  • GCSE results slips, or confirmation of any other qualifications
  • A form of original identification such as passport, driving licence or birth certificate
  • Any outstanding documents for financial support and your supporting evidence
  • Pre-order form for equipment and uniform if applicable
  • Pen, paper, folder and dividers
  • Money for food and drink or a packed lunch

If you have not yet had an interview at the college for your chosen course you will need to have one before your enrollment day. Interviews are available throughout July and August - to book please e-mail or call 023 8048 4848.